Github repository for more styled code What is the API Resource : A transformation layer that sits between your Eloquent models and the JSON responses. First Time Using It: The first time I am using the API resource, I was confused about the difference between the two classes, you will find it in the API resource of laravel (Resource, Collection), Ex: PostReource and PostCollection. Larave Api Resource has two classes you can simply make them using artisan like that. php artisan make :resource PostResource This command create a class in App\Http\Resources extends JsonResource php artisan make:resource PostCollection --collection or php artisan make :resource PostCollection name of the class with suffix collection this command create a class in App\Http\Resources extends ResourceCollection so, what is the difference between them? Resource Class Collection Class extends Jso...
Welcome To My Blog . I am interested in writing some articles from day to day in web development industry . keep tuned .. worked as a backend developer with php and laravel