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Using Larave Api Resource , Adding Additional data to Response


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What is the API Resource :

A transformation layer that sits between your Eloquent models and the JSON responses.

First Time Using It:

The first time I am using the API resource, I was confused about the difference between the two classes, you will find it in the API resource of laravel (Resource, Collection), Ex: PostReource and PostCollection.

Larave Api Resource has two classes you can simply make them using artisan like that.

php artisan make:resource PostResource

This command create a class in App\Http\Resources extends JsonResource

php artisan make:resource PostCollection --collection


php artisan make:resource PostCollection

name of the class with suffix collection

this command create a class in App\Http\Resources extends ResourceCollection

so, what is the difference between them?

Resource Class Collection Class
extends JsonResource extends ResourceCollection
mapping for a single model instance $post  mapping for collection of model $posts
new PostResource(Post::find(1));              new PostCollection(Post::paginate())
cannot paginate data, can use paginate and return metadata..
doesn't support additional metadata with the collection.

Tutorial :

Suppose you have a new laravel project and make Post model and posts_table migration has fields title,description,user_id ..

Create PostResource and PostCollection :

 php artisan make:resource Posts/PostCollection
 php artisan make:resource Posts/PostResource
  • edit PostResource toArray to be like that :
public function toArray($request)
        return [
            "title"       => $this->title,
            "description" => $this->description,
            "user"        => new UserResource($this->user)
  • create userResource class
    php artisan make:resource Users/UserResource
  • edit UserResource toArray to be like that :
    public function toArray($request)
          return [
              "name"  => $this->name,
              "email" => $this->email
  • return to posts and edit PostResource toArray :
    public function toArray($request)
          return [
              "status" => true,
              "msg"    => "All Posts",
              "data"   => $this->collection

    Now we are ready to return response posts collection :

  • Add this method in routes/web.php to quick test
    Route::get("test", function () {
      return new PostCollection(Post::paginate());
  • Now run the server into the project folder and open this link :
    php artisan ser

Finally: You will receive this response :


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